About me
Having had over 30 years of experience massaging adults and a lot of pregnant ladies, I qualified with IAIM
in 2005. My son was only a few months old at the time and still loves his massages today along with my daughter.
I love teaching baby massage to all those who come along, some wanting to get a routine into their bedtimes, and others who have babies with colic and are really at their wit’s end. Babies are all different but by the end of the 5-week course they are all the same in a small way – they LOVE to be massaged.
About IAIM
The International Institute of Infant Massage was founded in the early 1980s by Vimala McClure after she saw young mothers in northern
India massaging their babies. The IAIM is now an international organisation and you can find more information at their website at http://www.iaimbabymassage.co.uk/dianabeaumont#1944
About Wellbeing International
About Birth Bliss
Your privacy
I value your privacy, so your information will not be shared with anyone else, you can read my privacy policy here